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An enterprising female grog seller

An American, W.H. Wilson recalled an enterprising female grog seller, in the publication Records of Castlemaine Pioneers.

Archival Source
Robyn Annear's research Notes prepared in the course of writing the book, Nothing But Gold; Private (Robyn Annear). Details

These notes from a variety of primary sources were kindly donated to the eGold project by Robyn Annear.


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A woman used to come up the gully [Sailor’s] selling hop beer at 6d. a pannikin - the initiated could get something stronger. The dame had suffered from spasms in her chest, and she had been advised to get a curved tin to fit her chest, and by filling it with hot water she would get relief. With the wit of a woman she found that it would fit another part of her anatomy, so she filled it with spirits, with a conductor like tube of an infant’s feeding-bottle, and by putting her hand into a side pocket she could bring the tube out and serve her customers.