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The Gold in the Pyrenees

The Geelong Advertiser reported with great excitement that Mr Esmond, who found gold in the Pyrenees a week earlier, was returning to the site of his discovery to search for more gold.

15 July 1851
Published Source
Australian National Dictionary Centre, The Gold Rushes and Australian English: a resource for researchers, teachers and students, Australian National University, 2005, http://www.anu.edu.au/andc/res/aus_words/gold/index.php. Details
This material is provided by the Australian National Dictionary Centre, a joint project of the Australian National University and Oxford University Press Australia.


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THE GOLD IN THE PYRENEES. A week has elapsed since we notified the indubitable fact of the discovery of gold in the Pyrenees, and the production of specimens by Mr. Esmond. That gentleman has returned to Geelong, and having provided himself with the necessary apparatus, and requisite amount of provisions, will start to-morrow for the "Diggings," the "locale" of which will be known in a few days. We gathered from a conversation with Mr. Esmond, last evening, that there is not the most remote doubt but an extensive goldfield exists. In ten minutes’ "washing" he procured "five dollars’ worth of gold!" Where the discovery was made, the quartz vein crosses a creek, dipping on one side, and appearing on the other, running over a large extent of country, and apparently trending to a neighbouring mountain. It will be remembered that five [ check : ?or ‘fine’] specimens of gold were found in this quartz. The surface of the neighbouring ground is covered with a rich black soil to the depth of a foot, clearing away which there is discovered beneath a gravelly sand of a rusty hue, intermingled with emery, washing which produced the prized metal to the amount above stated. The spot is within a hundred miles of Geelong, and within seventeen miles of the mail route. In justice to Mr Esmond, we would not point out the exact spot, but from that gentleman’s statement there can be no doubt but the field is ample and rich enough to recompense those who may be adventurous enough to seek the precious metal. Mr Esmond has had experience in California, and the strong resemblance of the Pyrennean field to that country induced him to make the trial, which has resulted so satisfactorily. In the course of a short time we hope to lay before our readers an account from "our own diggings [i.e., Victorian, as opposed to diggings in New South Wales]," until then, we must beg of them to be patient and "bide their time." The secret will soon be out, when once the workings have fairly commenced, and from the sober matter of fact recital made to us, we augur, on good grounds, a prosperous issue. Geelong Advertiser, 15 July 1851